TPB News

The 2016 CLRP Amendment will take center stage at the Oct. 19 TPB meeting

Oct 11, 2016

John Mueller/Flickr John Mueller/Flickr

The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, October 19. The main event at the meeting will be a series of briefings on this year’s amendment to the region’s Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) as well as the latest update to the six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TPB will release drafts of both documents on Thursday, October 13, for a 30-day public comment period.

  • Overview of the 2016 CLRP Amendment and FY 2017-2022 TIP 
    Board members will be briefed on the major new projects and changes to existing projects slated for inclusion in this year’s CLRP amendment. The major new projects include new Express Lanes on I-395 and a VRE commuter rail extension in Virginia, and new bus-only lanes on 16th Street in the District of Columbia. The briefing will also include details about the six-year TIP, including amounts and sources of funding for projects programmed for planning and/or construction through 2022.

  • Results of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the draft 2016 CLRP Amendment 
    Under federal law, transportation-related emissions under the CLRP and TIP must be consistent with emissions levels set forth in air quality plans adopted by the states. This is a requirement in all metropolitan areas that are currently not in attainment of certain federal air quality standards. Each time the TPB updates the CLRP, it conducts an analysis of future emissions under the plan to ensure conformity with adopted emissions limits. The results of this year’s analysis will be presented to the TPB for the first time at its October meeting.


  • Overview of the 2016 CLRP Amendment and FY 2017-2022 TIP 
    Board members will be briefed on the major new projects and changes to existing projects slated for inclusion in this year’s CLRP amendment. The major new projects include new Express Lanes on I-395 and a VRE commuter rail extension in Virginia, and new bus-only lanes on 16th Street in the District of Columbia. The briefing will also include details about the six-year TIP, including amounts and sources of funding for projects programmed for planning and/or construction through 2022.
  • Results of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the draft 2016 CLRP Amendment Under federal law, transportation-related emissions under the CLRP and TIP must be consistent with emissions levels set forth in air quality plans adopted by the states. This is a requirement in all metropolitan areas that are currently not in attainment of certain federal air quality standards. Each time the TPB updates the CLRP, it conducts an analysis of future emissions under the plan to ensure conformity with adopted emissions limits. The results of this year’s analysis will be presented to the TPB for the first time at its October meeting.
  • Overview of the 2016 CLRP Amendment and FY 2017-2022 TIP 
    Board members will be briefed on the major new projects and changes to existing projects slated for inclusion in this year’s CLRP amendment. The major new projects include new Express Lanes on I-395 and a VRE commuter rail extension in Virginia, and new bus-only lanes on 16th Street in the District of Columbia. The briefing will also include details about the six-year TIP, including amounts and sources of funding for projects programmed for planning and/or construction through 2022.
  • Results of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the draft 2016 CLRP Amendment
    Under federal law, transportation-related emissions under the CLRP and TIP must be consistent with emissions levels set forth in air quality plans adopted by the states. This is a requirement in all metropolitan areas that are currently not in attainment of certain federal air quality standards. Each time the TPB updates the CLRP, it conducts an analysis of future emissions under the plan to ensure conformity with adopted emissions limits. The results of this year’s analysis will be presented to the TPB for the first time at its October meeting.
  • ​Performance Analysis of the draft 2016 CLRP Amendment 
    Before the TPB approves amendments to the CLRP, it analyzes the future performance of the plan, including how travel demand and travel conditions in the region are expected to change. The board will be briefed on the results of this year’s analysis, which also includes an assessment of how the plan supports the goals and strategies outlined in the Regional Transportation Priorities Plan.


In addition to these items, the TPB is slated to receive quick updates on new federal planning requirements and last year’s Street Smart bicycle and pedestrian safety campaign. 

Get the official agenda with links to all meeting materials beginning Thursday, October 13

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