TPB News

TPB News has a new look and feel

Apr 12, 2016

If you’re reading this message you’ve either received the first issue of the new online-only TPB News in your email inbox or you’re exploring its new digital home online. Either way, we’re glad you’re here!

For the past few months we’ve been hard at work reimagining how we deliver important TPB news and information to you. How do we best share the TPB’s latest regional planning and analysis? How do we keep you in the know about important upcoming meetings and events? How do we make it easier for you to access, read, and explore the latest information?

Our solution: the new online-only TPB News.

You might remember TPB News from its past life as a printed monthly newsletter. Now you’ll be getting TPB News delivered directly to your email inbox twice a month. In it we’ll let you know about key upcoming board actions and recap the monthly board meeting. We’ll announce important events, funding opportunities, and public comment periods. And we’ll continue to highlight and summarize recent TPB research, analysis, outreach, and planning—something we were doing before in our weekly online publication, TPB Weekly Report.

In this new format we’ll make all of our news articles available and easy to find online—just go to Articles will be easier to read across digital platforms, especially mobile devices. And we’ll be using Twitter and Facebook to help make sure you never miss a beat.

We’re really excited about serving you in this new way!

- The TPB News Team

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