
Visualize 2045 Environmental Consultation Environmental Inventory Mapping (2018)

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is federally required to engage and consult with affected state and local environmental resource agencies regarding the development of the long-range transportation plan. These maps will be used to inform about the relationship between Visualize 2045 and regional-level environmental concerns by defining and inventorying environmental resources and data. The maps can serve as a tool to identify long-term regional mitigation strategies and high conservation priority or areas for potential restoration.

For project-level information, including status of any environmental review, click on the project for a pop-up with additional information, including the project web site and key contact when available. For additional information on state-level environmental programs and project-specific environmental reviews, visit the state DOTs’ environmental programs pages: DDOTMDOT, and VDOT.

This consultation effort is strictly intended to examine Visualize 2045 at a regional scale and not at the project level.  Moreover, at this early planning stage, specific project information regarding exact locations and project dimensions are not known.  Therefore, it is important to note that the lines representing Visualize 2045 projects in the maps do not represent actual alignments, but rather are general depictions of project locations.