Visualize 2045: 2020 Amendment Projects Map
This is a Land Use / Land Cover Map depicting
forests, cropland, park land, waters features
and urban and countryside development in
more than 3000 square miles of the
Metropolitan Washington Region as defined
COG membership of the Metropolitan
Washington Council of Governments (COG)
This map was developed through Land Sat
imagery analzyed by RESAC (Regional Earth Science Applications Center)
in conjunction with the COG Department of Environmental
Programs and the National Park Service.
Analysis for this maps covers the 12 major land
use / land cover classifications as defined by
the Chesapeake Bay Program. The nature of
Land Sat imagery is such that detailed visual
images are not possible as they are when
using high resolution satellite imagery or
low-level aerial photography. However, t he 30
meters per pixel resolution of Land Sat
imagery is very useful for high altitude land
cover analysis using spectral analysis
Sophisticated digital analysis software has
been used to calculate the land cover data for
this map and has been 'trained' on higher
resolution data to achieve accurate analysis to
the 90th percentile.
Jan 29, 2020
The financially constrained element of the region's long-range plan, Visualize 2045, identifies all the regionally significant capital improvements to the region’s highway and transit systems that transportation agencies expect to make and to be able to afford through 2045. It also outlines all anticipated spending on the current and future transportation system’s operations and maintenance over the same timeframe. Any project that might affect future air quality by adding or removing highway or transit capacity is included in this portion of the plan.
The TPB adopted Visualize 2045 in October, 2018. The plan was subsequently amended in March 2020.
The financially constrained element includes regionally significant projects and programs that seek to efficiently move people and goods using a variety of transportation modes. The investments spelled out in this element aim to meet the region’s current mobility and accessibility needs, as well as those that will arise in the future.
For the latest information on the plan, visit the Visualize 2045 website.