
Transit Within Reach: Walksheds

Jul 01, 2019

The transit walkshed map represents the area around each High Capacity Transit station, including Metrorail, commuter rail, streetcar, and bus rapid transit in the region that can be traversed within a half-mile. Planners generally assume that one half mile—a 10-minute walk on average— is the maximum distance people can be expected to walk to a transit station. The walkshed analysis is part of a new project to support the aspirational initiative in the Transportation Planning Board’s long-range transportation plan (“Visualize 2045”) to improve walk and bike access to transit. The project involves developing a limited list of transit station areas that will be regionally prioritized for pedestrian and bicycle investments. These prioritized locations will be places where there is an opportunity to increase pedestrian and bicycle connections and where demand could be great for walking and biking to transit.

View a blog for more information about the map.