
National Capital Trail Network

Feb 16, 2024

The National Capital Trail Network (NCTN)—a continuous network of long-distance, off-street trails—was approved by the Transportation Planning Board in July 2020 and endorsed by the COG Board in August 2020. Since 2020, 83 miles of the planned network have been completed. The network supports healthy, environmentally friendly, and low-stress access to open space and reliable transportation for people of all ages and abilities. As of 2023, the network is nearly evenly split between existing (49%) and planned (51%) miles.

The NCTN is used to help prioritize funding for the Transportation Alternatives Program, as well as the Transportation Land-Use Connections and Regional Roadway Safety Programs. Periodic updates to the network will occur. As of the end of 2023, 752 miles have been completed with an additional 797 miles planned for a total 1,549 miles. Priority miles for completion are those that serve the region’s Equity Emphasis Areas, Regional Activity Centers, High-Capacity Transit Areas, and Transit Access Focus Areas.

For more information on the 2023 update to the NCTN, please visit the NCTN 2023 update page.

Read more about the National Capital Trail Network.