
High Capacity Transit Station Areas (HCTs)

Oct 13, 2021

High-Capacity Transit Station Areas (HCTs) are a regional planning concept adopted in 2021 by the COG Board of Directors and Transportation Planning Board to guide future growth and investment decisions and a key priority in Region United, COG's Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework for 2030. HCTs are the 225 locations around Metrorail, commuter rail, light rail, bus rapid transit, and streetcar stations that are in place or will be by 2030. By optimizing land use around these station areas, enhancing transportation connections, and creating transit-oriented communities, the region can accommodate future growth and also ensure quality places where all residents can thrive.

This interactive web map, first developed for the Transportation Planning Board, was created to build understanding and awareness of HCTs. The map can be used by area jurisdictions, as well as other interested parties, to identify opportunities for enhancing housing and transportation connectivity in areas served by transit.

By selecting different geographic criteria and views, the map displays and identifies HCTs in each of the region’s jurisdictions; within the regional core, inner suburbs, or outer suburbs; within regional Activity Centers, those places that will accommodate the majority of the region’s future growth, or within Equity Emphasis Areas, census tracts with higher concentrations of low-income and minority residents.

HCT/EEA Interactive Maps/Data Site