
Equity Emphasis Areas (EEAs)

Jul 27, 2022

Equity Emphasis Areas (EEAs) are a regional planning concept adopted in 2021 by the COG Board of Directors to elevate equity and inform future growth and investment decisions. As of a 2022 update,  364 of the region’s more than 1,300 census tracts are identified as EEAs, meaning they have high concentrations of low-income individuals and/or traditionally disadvantaged racial and ethnic population groups. EEAs were originally developed by the Transportation Planning Board to analyze potential impacts of its long-range transportation plan but will now be applied more broadly across disciplines, such as health,  housing, and climate, as part of Region United, COG's Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework for 2030.

COG and the TPB also use EEAs as selection criteria in their grant programs that fund planning for housing near transit, access to transit stations, improving roadway safety, alternative modes of travel, and connecting land-use and the transportation system.  

In addition to the map below, planners and decision-makers are encouraged to explore a maps and data microsite on EEAs and High-Capacity Transit Station Areas (HCTs). The site allows users to explore regional and jurisdiction-specific maps of EEAs and High-Capacity Transit Station Areas (HCTs), data on demographic characteristics of EEAs, forecast growth in HCTs, and more. (Updated 2022 EEA data on the microsite will be forthcoming.)

COG Equity page