
Air Quality Conformity Boundaries

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines the geographic boundaries of areas that do not meet federal standards for air quality. These are called “non-attainment areas." The Washington-DC-MD-VA non-attainment area includes the TPB Planning Area (except for a very small portion of Fauquier County, Virginia) plus Calvert County, Maryland. Calvert County is part of the Calvert-St. Mary’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (C-SMMPO). The TPB and C-SMMPO have a formal agreement wherein the TPB includes Calvert County in its air quality conformity analysis.

The Washington DC-MD-VA non-attainment area (shown below) is currently designated as “marginal” non-attainment for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards. It is this area that is the focus of air quality plans developed for the region.