Long-Range Plan Task Force

Task Force Activities

In 2017 the TPB’s Long-Range Plan Task Force recommended five aspirational initiatives for the TPB's endorsement. The TPB had charged the task force with identifying a limited set of regionally significant projects, programs, and policies above and beyond what was in the then-current Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP).

The task force met throughout 2017. The process started with identifying ten initiatives (combinations of projects, policies and programs) to analyze and understand how they could help the region make better progress toward achieving the goals laid out in TPB and COG governing documents. The TPB agreed on those ten initiatives to study.

After participating in and reviewing the results of a sketch planning analysis of the ten initiatives, the task force recommended five initiatives for TPB endorsement for concerted TPB action in 2018 and beyond. The task force determined that those five initiatives have the greatest potential to help the region reach its transportation goals.

In December 2017 the TPB endorsed those initiatives for inclusion in the aspirational element of Visualize 2045 and for future concerted action.


Reports, Resolutions and other Documentation

Long-Range Plan Task Force Reports (December 2017) 

TPB Resolution endorsing initiatives recommended by the Long-Range Plan Task Force (December 2017)

TPB Resolution Accepting the Ten Initiatives to be Analyzed (July 2017)

TPB Amendment clarifying the Long-Range Plan Task Force activities (May 2017)

TPB Resolution Establishing Task Force Mission, Tasks and Membership (March 2017)


Task Force Membership

A total of 18 individuals served on the Long-Range Plan Task Force: the three TPB officers; nine local officials (three each from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia); one representative of each state-level department of transportation and WMATA; and one member each from the TPB Citizens Advisory Committee and the TPB Access for All Advisory Committee. 

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  • RTPP

    Regional Transportation Priorities Plan

    Jan 15, 2014

    The Regional Transportation Priorities Plan identifies strategies with the greatest potential to respond to the region's most significant transportation challenges. It also identifies those strategies that are “within reach” both financially and politically - recognizing the need for pragmatism in an era of limited financial resources and a lack of political will to raise significant amounts of new revenue.

  • clrp_asp_report_092410_FINAL_thumb2

    CLRP Aspirations Scenario

    Sep 8, 2010

    This document provides a summary of the development, analysis and results of the "CLRP Aspirations" scenario, which is one of two scenarios in the TPB Scenario Study. This scenario examines the effects of a long-range land use and transportation vision for the National Capital Region out to horizon year 2030. This report includes a summary of past scenario studies and how this scenario fills a gap, an overview of the scenario development and methodology, and an analysis of how the integrated land use and transportation scenario meets TPB Vision goals. The scenario consists of a smart growth land use strategy, a network of variably priced lanes, and an extensive BRT network running on priced lanes.

  • dtp_cover

    The TPB Vision

    Oct 15, 1998

    The Vision is a short, but influential, policy document that lays out eight broad goals to guide the region’s transportation investments into the 21st century. The Vision was unanimously approved in October 1998 by the Transportation Planning Board after an extensive public outreach effort that lasted three years.