From: Karin Foster Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:08 PM To: Karin Foster;; Andrew Meese Subject: TPB Freight Plan Project Nominations Attachments: FreightProjectDatabase.pdf Hello Freight Friends, The Transportation Planning Board (TPB) Freight Subcommittee met on March 11th. March 11th Meeting Summary. The second half of the meeting was dedicated to discussions on the draft National Capital Region Freight Plan 2010. Meeting attendees contributed to the “Freight Subcommittee Objectives,” “Best Practices,” and “Freight Project Database” discussions. As we wrap up the National Capital Region Freight Plan 2010, we would like to ensure that we have a complete list of potential projects beneficial to freight in the region. Our draft Freight Project Database currently has truck and rail projects that we have compiled from existing sources, such as the TPB Constrained Long Range Plan or the CSX National Gateway projects. Attached is the draft Freight Project Database list of projects. Please review this list and provide nominations for additional projects, edits, or suggestions by Wednesday April 21. Projects may be truck, rail, air cargo, intermodal facility enhancements, etc. We are particularly interested in projects that fall within the TPB planning region (see map below); however, please share your projects outside the region as well. Please identify as many details as you can, such as project name, description, cost, jurisdiction, source document. At present the draft Freight Project Database includes projects scheduled to be funded in future years and projects that have no funding source. Perhaps your jurisdiction has an additional project beneficial to an industrial complex that does not fall within the TPB CLRP. Perhaps your stakeholder group is aware of a missing transportation improvement not already incorporated in the list. As a committee we will discuss these comments at our May 6th Freight Subcommittee meeting. Once we compile a complete list of projects, we will begin to finalize the National Capital Region Freight Plan 2010. We will introduce the Plan to the TPB Technical Committee and finally the TPB (likely June/July 2010). Future steps will be to develop criteria to prioritize the Freight Project Database and to come up with a list of the Freight Subcommittee’s Top 10 projects. We need to discuss further the breakdown between truck to rail ratio of projects and the criteria for the projects. These discussions will continue at future meetings. We appreciate your participation in the process. Thank you very much! -Karin Karin Foster Transportation Planner/Freight Program Metro. Washington Council of Governments Department of Transportation Planning 777 N. Capitol St. NE. Suite 300 Washington DC 20002-4290 Phone: (202) 962-3206 Mobile: (410) 336-3699 Fax: (202) 962-3202 Email: