Vibrant Communities and Safer Roads: A Look at FY 2023 Transportation Land-Use and Regional Roadway Safety Projects

Thursday, November 2, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM


Contact: John Swanson
(202) 962-3295

For over 15 years, the Transportation Land Use Connections (TLC) program has funded close to 200 planning and design projects throughout the National Capital region that promote vibrant communities and alternative modes of travel. More recently, the Regional Roadway Safety Program (RRSP) has funded similar projects to address safety concerns on local roads. 

This free webinar will share some recent examples of TLC and RRSP projects – including pedestrian safety plans, trail design, bike safety education, first mile-last mile connections, and delivery microhubs. We will conduct the fast-paced program using a "pecha kucha" format in which presenters have just 6-7 minutes to tell their stories – so we expect to keep the webinar informal and lively!

Whether you’re a planning professional, a community leader, or an interested resident, you are invited to attend. Register Now.

AICP Credit: Participants will be eligible to receive one credit for AICP certification maintenance.
