Regional Housing Webinar and Playbook Launch

Tuesday, November 17, 2020
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Contact: Steve Kania
(202) 962-3249

Greater Washington has seen genuine momentum around housing as a common priority, including regional targets endorsed by area elected officials and new public, private, and philanthropic investments in housing production and preservation. But despite this progress and a general awareness of our housing challenges, many area leaders and residents have not been united around a compelling message for how to address these challenges.

To build institutional and public will, COG and our partners joined together this year to co-sponsor cutting-edge research to develop a Playbook to help message, frame, and communicate clearly and effectively about housing, which has become even more essential in this time of uncertainty and change.

On November 17, we invite you to join us for the release of the Playbook and a larger interactive conversation about the state of regional housing affordability across sectors and geographies.

  • Playbook author, Dr. Tiffany Manuel of The Case Made, will present key findings from her focus group research, overarching messaging themes, as well as Do’s and Don’ts for every CEO, elected official, policy wonk, or communications professional.
  • A panel of area leaders including A.J. Jackson, JBG Smith; Christian Dorsey, Arlington County Board and the COG Board of Directors; and Heather Raspberry, Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND) will discuss how enhanced messaging can help advance their housing priorities.
  • Peter Tatian of the Urban Institute will provide an overview on current trends in regional housing, with a focus on COVID-19 impacts and racial equity.

For any COG committee members interested in participating in this free virtual event, please email the event contact. All participants will receive a copy of the Playbook in advance of the webinar.



  • 2030 Group
  • Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington
  • Citi Community Development
  • Enterprise Community Partners
  • Greater Washington Community Foundation
  • Greater Washington Partnership
  • Housing Leaders Group of Greater Washington
  • Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
  • Urban Land Institute-Washington
  • Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers