Regional Curbside Management Online Forum

Monday, June 22, 2020
1:00 PM - 4:15 PM

COG Conference Call/Webinar Only

Contact: Jon Schermann
(202) 962-3317

Registration is now closed.

WHAT: This will be the first ever TPB event focused specifically on the topic of curbside management.

WHO: All are welcome, especially TPB member agency and committee personnel involved in or with an interest in the topic. You must register for this event by Thursday, June 18 to receive the link to participate.

AGENDA: Up until the recent past, curbside management was focused to a large degree on parking (vehicle storage) issues. These issues typically were handled on the municipal level, with limited impact to neighboring municipalities. In recent years, technological, cultural, and demographic trends have transformed the curbside into a dynamic space. Many stakeholders and constituencies, each with compelling ideas about how to manage and use the curbside, are competing for limited space. Furthermore, these issues are crossing municipal boundaries, increasing the importance of regional coordination.

This forum will include a brief introduction to curbside management and lively discussions on the curbside management issues around goods delivery, measuring mobility effectiveness at the curb, and accessibility design consideration at the curb. Public- and private-sector practitioners and experts will share their experience and knowledge and engage participants in discussions on these topics.

For those who wish to dig deeper on this topic, they may wish to view another webinar focusing on Case Studies on Curbside Management

Links to helpful information on Curbside Management

ITE Curbside Management Resources

IPMI Emerging Trends Report

Webinar Cutting edge Research at the Curb

IPMI Article 1

IPMI Article 2

IPMI Shoptalk Recordings

Blog Series

Alliance for Parking Data Standards

Accessible Parking Coalition
