Race, Equity & the Future of Greater Washington Regional Summit

Thursday, June 11, 2020
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Conference Call/ Zoom Only

Contact: Jennifer Schitter
(202) 962-3266

COG and other regional partners are sponsoring a summit where leaders will engage and share insights on the possibility for greater collaboration across the DMV region. Additionally, participants will discern what this moment demands to make the region more racially equitable.

Join the call via Zoom: https://Zoom.us/join
DIAL: (301) 715 8592 |  ID: 884 9397 1563
PASSWORD: 0 9 1 8 2 0

NOTE: The video call will be interactive! During the call you will have an opportunity to provide feedback and participate in a poll through Slido.com. Additional details will be provided during the call.

Visit COG's Equity page for more information on the Racial Equity Cohort and other activities.

Summit partners

Summit partners