JFHQ 12th Bi-Annual Interagency Chaplains Conference

Friday, June 15, 2018
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Fort Meyer-Henderson Hall
Memorial Chapel & Fellowship Hall
101 McNair Rd.
Arlington, VA 22211

Contact: Dennis Bailey

Joint Force Headquarters – National Capital Region/ Military District of Washington (JFHQ – NCR/MDW)

In Collaboration With

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

Public Safety Chaplains Subcommittee



The 12th Bi-Annual Interagency Chaplaincy Conference - 2018


“Understanding One Another: 
Chaplains Working Together In Crisis Response"

Friday, June 15, 2018

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Registration and Meet and Greet

9:30 AM – 12:00 Noon – AM Session

12:00 Noon – 1:15 PM – Lunch

1:15 PM - 3:30 PM – PM Session



Memorial Chapel & Fellowship Hall

101 McNair Rd.

Fort Myer-Henderson Hall

Arlington, Virginia 22211


Guest Speakers

Mr. Paul Carden
Regional Disaster Officer,
American Red Cross – National Capital Region

Chaplain Chuck Myers
Disaster Spiritual Care Regional Lead
American Red Cross – National Capital Region


Atlantic Area Chaplain
United States Coast Guard


            You may register by clicking HERE or by going to the COG Website at www.mwcog.org, then to the COG Events Calendar at the bottom of the page, and scrolling down to the June 15th Conference Event.  Please click on the registration link towards the right of the registration page.  If you have not previously done so, you will first be asked to provide your e-mail address.  Please follow the prompt.


All non-DoD /non-federal government ID card/CAC holders MUST complete the attached (upper right of page) “REQUEST FOR A JOINT BASE MYER-HENDERSON HALL INSTALLATION ACCESS CONTROL PASS – VISITORS” to gain access to the base. If you fill out the form on this page, and click "Submit" at the end, it will automatically send to Dennis Bailey.  Please save a copy to your desktop and e-mail to Chaplain Garry Thornton at garrythornton@juno.com; IN ADDITION TO completing the COG online registration no later than Wednesday, 30 May, 2018.

Identification - A government-issued photo ID is required, along with a second form of identification. Security badges are not acceptable. All credentials are subject to screening and vetting by installation security personnel.

Vehicle Search - Non-DoD/non-federally affiliated visitors' vehicles are subject to search.

Hatfield / Main Gate - All non-DoD affiliated visitors MUST use the Hatfield Gate (open 24/7) on Washington Boulevard at South 2nd Street, Arlington. The address is Hatfield Gate, 2nd Street South, Fort Myer, Va. 22211.


For additional information, or if after registering, you find that you will not be able to attend, please notify Chaplain (CDR) Garry R. Thornton, Jr. at garry.r.thornton.mil@mail.mil, 202-685-2996 AND/OR Dennis Bailey at DBailey@mwcog.org 202-962-3269 at your very earliest convenience.

On-Site Check-In and Networking

            On-site check-in and chaplaincy networking will begin at 9:00 A.M.  Prayer and Session 1 begins at 9:30 AM


            Lunch will be provided, compliments of the Joint Force Headquarters, National Capital Region/Military District of Washington (JFHQ-NCR/MDW).  Unfortunately, special dietary needs will not be able to be met and it is asked that for these dietary requirements, that you bring your food alternative requirements as appropriate.


            Certificates of Completion will be provided to those who complete the entire day’s training.  Certificates will be available at the close of the training at 3:00 PM.  Continued Education Units will be provided through Lancaster Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary.

            We look forward to yet another wonderful training topic, and to seeing EVERYONE!!


Dennis Bailey
     - On behalf of COG Public Safety Chaplains Subcommittee and JFHQ-NCR/MDW