Dockless Bikeshare Workshop

Thursday, May 31, 2018
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Kirby Training Center
777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20002


Joe Flood/Flickr

Representatives from DC, Montgomery County, the City of Alexandria, and the National Park Service will discuss their experiences with, and plans for, Dockless Bike Share. The purpose of this workshop is:

1. To allow those jurisdictions that currently have Dockless Bike Share to share their experiences and conclusions with jurisdictions that currently do not have it, but may be considering allowing it.

2. To give adjoining jurisdictions a chance to share and discuss coordination issues that may have arisen, such as migration of dockless bikes, harmonization of regulations, etc.

3. To educate those participants who may have little or no familiarity with Dockless Bike Share on all the services currently in operation in the Washington region, the apparent benefits, and any problems that have arisen.