Cooperative Forecasting and Data Subcommittee

Tuesday, April 3, 2018
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Ronald F Kirby Training Center
777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20002

Contact: Greg Goodwin
(202) 962-3274

Training on Economic Program Data From the U.S. Census Bureau

Nesreen Khashan, Data Dissemination Specialist, Suitland Headquarters

  • how you can contribute to its development, and a timeline for its complete integration into
  • The difference between Economic Census, County Business Patterns and Nonemployer Statistics programs in terms of methodology, frequency, geographic coverage and indicators provided.
  • Where to go for characteristics about business owners: Survey of Business Owners or Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs.
  • How to expand or are down NAICS codes to get the best data for your jurisdiction.
  • Which data-access tools are best to use depending on your research objectives: AFF, Industry Statics Portal, CBB SBE or RAE editions.
  • How Economic Program data are collected, including the Economic Census, which during March through June of 2018, has a data collection operation underway for the 2017 version.