Local Food Distribution: Maryland Market Center Concept

Thursday, June 15, 2017
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Room 1
777 N. Captiol St., NE
Washington, DC 20002

Contact: Lindsay Smith

Following the April 28th meeting on Local Food Distribution in the National Capital Region, several participants requested an opportunity to learn more about the Maryland Food Center Authority's (MFCA) proposed MD Market Center. On June 15th,  MFCA Executive Director Dr. Donald J. Darnall, will provide a more in-depth presentation on this concept. There will ample time for discussion. COG's Regional Food System Program will also provide an update on outcomes from the April 28th meeting and proposed next steps.

A light lunch will be served at this meeting for those planning to participate in-person. If attending in-person, please register by clicking on the blue REGISTER button above. 

To participate via webinar, please use the link provided in the agenda.