Local Food Distribution Meeting

Friday, November 17, 2017
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
4 and 5
777 North Capitol Street NE, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20002

Contact: Lindsay Smith

In April, The Regional Food Systems Program hosted a Local Food Distribution Conference in Beltsville, MD. A series of smaller meetings followed, including a June convening which recapped conference themes and provided a more in-depth presentation on the proposed MD Market Center.

On Friday, November 17th, interested stakeholders will reconvene to review issues examined to date and to consider and approve a future meeting schedule. The meeting will also provide a chance to hear from several nonprofit local food distributor stakeholders, all of which were recently awarded federal funding to expand or test initiatives with some aggregation and distribution component. There will be time for all participants to share updates and to network. 
We hope you can join us.
Link to webinar and meeting recording. Please note that this recording was started after The Common Market presentation began.