CBP Modeling Workshop

Thursday, October 4, 2012
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Training Center

Contact: Heidi Bonnaffon

Main Topics:

·         How does the Bay Program currently track your local implementation progress,  including stormwater loads and BMPs, septic loads, and CSO and wastewater loads?

·         What new initiatives are being considered to track/verify implementation and update various sector loads (e.g., septic to sewered conversions, land applied biosolids, etc.)?

·         How have other accounting tools been used to track implementation at the local level and what is their relationship to the Bay Program’s watershed model?

·         What are the plans and schedule for upgrading the various components of the Chesapeake Bay modeling suite (for all sectors)?

·         How can local data on land use, septic systems, etc., be better incorporated into the TMDL accounting framework?



·         Gary Shenk, Integrated Analysis Coordinator, EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office -- on CBP’s suite of models

·         Olivia Devereaux, Devereaux Environmental Consulting --  on MAST/CAST/VAST, the Bay program’s tool for local implementation planning

·         Ted Brown of Biohabitats -- on use of the Watershed Treatment Model in Montgomery County, Md

·         David Bulova and Thomas Williams, AMEC – on use of ChesBay Alert in Alexandria, Va.