Cooperative Forecasting and Data Subcommittee

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Room 1

Contact: Greg Goodwin

The next Cooperative Forecasting and Data Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, 2012 (9:30 am – 11:30 am). The meeting will be held in Meeting Room #1.


Agenda items:


·         Briefing on Regional Economic Indicators (David Platt, Department of Finance, Montgomery County)

·         Results and Analysis from the 2012 Point-in-Time Count of Homeless Persons in the Metropolitan Washington Region

·         2011 TPB Geographically-Focused Household Travel Surveys Initial Results

·         Activity Center Analysis Boundaries Discussion

·         Next Round – Round 8.2 Schedule


A webcam for the June 5th  meeting will be used for off- site participants to interact with meeting room attendees. Audio for the meeting will still be handled by the conference call line. A limited number of phone lines has been set up for the meeting – 20 lines.


NOTE: Webinar/Conference Call Information


To enter the webinar, please click on the following link:  A dedicated conference call line has been established to accompany the webinar (Dial 1 (866) 962-5317 or 5317 internally. Enter 3274, when requested, to access the call).