6th Annual JFHQ/MDW - MWCOG Chaplains Training Day

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Fort Lesley McNair (Army Base)
4th and P Streets, SW
Washington, DC
Contact: Dennis Bailey

6th Annual National Capitol Region Interagency Chaplains Conference - National Defense University (Baruch Auditorium)

"Faith Based Planet:  Religion In Diplomacy

and Diverse Contexts"

The 2012 Military and Civilian Chaplain's "6th Annual Interagency Chaplain Conference will be held on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 from 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM at the Fort Lesley McNair (Army Base) located at 4th and P Streets, SW, Washington, DC. at the National Defense University (Baruch Auditorium).

AM Topics -   "Faith Based Planet" presented by Dr. Cris Seiple, President of the Institute of Global Engagement; AND "Religious Diversity and Peacemaking" presented by Dr. Abubaker Almed Al Shinieti, Vice President for Islamic Programs, International Center for Religion and Diplomacy (ICRD); with subsequent Panel Discussion re "Religious Diversity and Peacemaking".

PM Topic -  "Religious Support in a Diverse Context" presented by Dr. Barry Black, Chaplain, United States Senate; with subsequent Panel Discussion "Religious Support in a Diverse Context". 


This interagency event is a collaborative effort between the Joint Forces Headquarters National Capital Region military Chaplains and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Public Safety Chaplains Subcommittee. 

The JFHQ-NCR Military Chaplains are a part of the Department of Defense (DOD) forces:  Air Force District of Washington (AFDW), Army Forces (MDW), Marine Corps Installations-National Capital Region (MCI-NCR) and Marine Corps Combat Developments Command (MCCDC), Naval District of Washington (NDW), the National Guard Bureau (NGB), and the Army and Air Natioinal Guard elements of the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland.