Complete Streets Stakeholders Workshop

Monday, January 30, 2012
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Room 1
777 North Capitol Street NE
Washington, DC 20002

Contact: Michael Farrell
202 962-3760

This will be a two-part workshop.   The morning session will cover the concept of Complete Streets, the national Complete Streets movement, and Complete Streets in the Washington Region.    Speakers from the DOT’s and from some of the major jurisdictions and agencies that either already have or are developing Complete Streets policies will discuss their policies and experiences.   


The afternoon session will be a working session of the stakeholders, who will develop a draft Complete Streets policy template, using the draft language developed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee as a starting point.


The purpose of a regional policy template would be to encourage the TPB member jurisdictions and agencies that do not already have a Complete Streets policy, or who are revising an existing policy, to adopt one that reflects common elements that the group believes represent current best practices.  


Draft Agenda


Morning Session


and Continental Breakfast


1.       Introduction

·         Complete Streets Concept

·         The national Complete Streets Movement

·         Complete Streets policies in the Washington Region


2.       Departments of Transportation Panel Discussion


·         Representatives from DDOT, MDOT, and VDOT will discuss their Complete Streets policies and experiences


3.       Other TBP Member Jurisdiction and Agency Panel Discussion


·         Representatives from Arlington County, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County and WMATA will discuss their Complete Streets policies and experiences.




Afternoon Session


Work Session to develop a Complete Streets Policy Template based on the draft language developed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee.