WRTC Meeting

Thursday, January 12, 2012
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Room 4&5

Contact: Heidi Bonnaffon

Agenda Topics:

·         Bay TMDL-WIP developments and Phase II WIP submissions by COG’s local governments. 


·         CBP’s Watershed Model output and present options for future technical work.


·         Bay-related legislation in the upcoming General Assembly sessions in Maryland and Virginia.


·         Bay Program stormwater expert panels, which have been established to update BMP reduction efficiencies and other aspects of the Watershed Model.


·         Discuss ongoing COG analysis of climate change data,  and a proposed spring seminar that would focus on COG region water sector data/planning needs


·         Overview of COG’s water quality workshops and factsheets being planned for Spring 2012.