Friday, October 21, 2011
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Room 1

Contact: Renee Frost

Please note that this Friday’s PDTAC meeting will also be conducted as conference call / Webinar so that you may participate remotely and view the presentations/presenters and listen via telephone.   Final meeting documents and presentations will also be available on the PDTAC website located at: https://www.mwcog.org/planning/committee/committee/documents.asp?COMMITTEE_ID=35    


To access the webinar: 


Webinar address:  http://connect.mwcog.org/pdtac/ . Sign in as a guest and enter your name when prompted. 

Conference Call line:  1 (866) 962-5318 and enter password 3274, when requested, to access the call.