Regional Urban Forest Canopy Updates

Friday, June 24, 2011
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Lunch Provided
777 North Capitol St. NE
Washington, 20002

Contact: Brian LeCouteur

Community Forestry Forum

Regional Urban Forest Canopy Analysis Updates

Montgomery County, Takoma Park, Washington, DC, Fairfax County

      10:00 - Call to order / Opening Remarks -    

10:05 – District of Columbia – Robert Corletta & Dr. Monica Lear will present their current use of the UVM data for managing their street tree inventory.


10:45 Montgomery County DEP – Katherine Nelson will present the findings of the UVM analysis for their urban forest and discuss plans for tree canopy enhancement management.



11:25City of Takoma Park / CFN Chair -Todd Bolton will discuss how he has used the UVM data in managing City urban forest managing and maintenance activities.


12:05 - 11:15 Questions:


12:15 – Lunch


12:50 Michael Knapp, Fairfax County – Mr. Knapp will present an overview of the  process used to generate Fairfax County’s  30-year UTC goal and how they expect        to achieve their goal.


1:30 – Questions and Discussion:


2:00 – Adjourn


The University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory performed the land cover / tree cover assessment in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station.  The goal of the project was to apply USDA Forest Service tree canopy assessment protocols using 2009 satellite imagery for the DC metro region.