Child Welfare Permanency Training

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Training Center

Contact: Kamilah Bunn

A FREE Regional Permanency Training for Social Worker Staff

In the National Capitol Region

Hosted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Child Welfare Program

Led by Adoptions Together and DC Child and Family Services Agency

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

777 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002

Room: The Training Center on the lobby level


Define permanence as it pertains to all children including youth and young adults in

foster care.

Introduce professionals to four innovative strategies to move youth and young adults in

foster care including those with special needs to legal and stable permanency.

Understand four barriers youth face to permanency and provide tools and techniques to

prepare children and youth for permanency.

****RSVP BY FEBRUARY 8, 2011***

To RSVP for this training, please email

For directions to COG, please visit

For more information about the content of this training, please call COG at 2029623264.