Mid-Atlantic EPA Pay As You Throw (PAYT) Forum

Monday, March 8, 2010
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

COG Board Room

Contact: Jan Canterbury, EPA

EPA forum focusing on new PAYT throw research from New England.  Registration required.

PAYT: Sustainable Financing for Community Waste Reduction


  • Introduction
  • PAYT and the Climate & Waste Connection – Jan Canterbury
  • PAYT Video (Background on the "3 E" Benefits) from Solid Waste Officials around the U.S.
  • PAYT’s latest research findings and the SMART (Save Money And Reduce Trash) BET (Benefit Evaluation Tool) – Kristen Brown

In today’s tough economic climate, U.S. cities and states are struggling to pay for vital services while trying to create jobs and curb their Climate Footprints. But, is it possible for communities to generate environmental sustainability and economic stability in a fair and equitable way for their citizens? Good News…Yes!

Join us for a lively and interactive discussion on how to most cost-effectively and sustainably conserve both natural AND fiscal resources. This forum will feature how both private industry and government share a common problem of paying for too much waste disposal, as well as a common goal of shifting consumers toward sustainable purchasing and managing of their products and packaging.

We will discuss the latest research on PAYT, the most cost-effective community initiative for motivating consumer behavior change and providing funds for community recycling programs. Case studies will highlight residential approaches to incentivize consumer behavior change that go beyond recycling to encourage source reduction, backyard composting and, zero waste. Come ready to engage, challenge and to learn.

Jan Canterbury is EPA’s Project Manager for the highly successful program known as “Pay-As-You-Throw” (PAYT) and, has written a user-friendly guide and produced a video on this market-based incentive program – now used in over 7,000 cities across the U.S.

Ms. Canterbury is also the Project Manager for the “Climate & Waste” campaign – working with Fortune 500 companies and U.S. cities – to reduce both their wastes and their climate footprint on our planet. To disseminate Climate Change and PAYT information, Ms Canterbury launched an American Big Cities (ABC) campaign (i.e., convening workshops and producing satellite video-conferences) to educate and provide technical assistance on practical operation and implementation techniques such as reducing and recycling wastes and cutting ghg emissions.

Kristen Brown is President of Green Waste Solutions and has worked for industry and government in the environmental field for 20 years in both the United States and Europe. She is a community solid waste expert who conducts trainings on economic incentives like Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) and is currently leading US EPA’s American Big Citys (ABC) are SMART campaign in cities across the U.S.

Ms Brown also works with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection designing incentive-based residential waste reduction programs and was honored with an appointment to South Carolina’s Recycling Market Development Advisory Council as ambassador to the legislature.