WRTC Business Meeting and Work Sessions

Thursday, November 12, 2009
10:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Room 1

Contact: Heidi Bonnaffon

Business meeting, followed by Stormwater and Wastewater work sessions.

Agenda Topics

·         Chesapeake Bay Developments/Updates & Identify Key Technical &/or Policy Issues

o        Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs)

o        TMDLs & EPA Guidance

o        Load Allocations- Review Latest Modeling Data (including 2008 data)

·         Policy &/or Technical Recommendations from WRTC to CBPC on Various Initiatives/Events

o        Senator Cardin's CWA Bill on CBP- Review latest version of draft legislation

o        President's 203a Report on Chesapeake Bay Restoration

o        Chuck Fox (Senior Advisor to EPA Administrator on the Chesapeake Bay & Anacostia River) - Presentation to CBPC on 11/20/09

o        COG's Greater Washington 2050 (public review draft)

Stormwater Work Session

·        Stormwater Management – Discuss recent initiatives & potential elements to include in regional legislative policy initiative

·        Review of Recent Stormwater Reports & Initiatives

·        Discussion about and follow on to Roads & Highways Symposium

Wastewater Work Session

·        CBP Wastewater Initiatives - Review various activities aimed at addressing Flow Projections define CSO & Septic Loads, for Use in Model, TMDLs, and WIPs - and note potential implications