Climate Adaptation Workshop

Thursday, July 23, 2009
10:00 AM - 2:30 PM

COG Board Room

Contact: Joan Rohlfs

MWCOG and Northrup Grumman are sponsoring a Climate Adaptation Workshop to identify the need for research into the effects of climate change in the Mid-Atlantic area and to identify potential case studies for development of decision aids. The poster summarizes the purpose of the workshop as it relates to the use of regional scale models to predict future impacts from climate change in the Mid-Atlantic region. Please see the agenda for more detail.

Four case studies have been selected for discussion about future adaptation needs: electric power industry, water supply, Chesapeake Bay, air quality.

Registration is required. As preparation for the workshop, please respond to the questions on the registration page by Friday, June 30, or complete the paper version and FAX it back.