Public Forum on the Draft FY 2010-2015 TIP

Thursday, June 11, 2009
6:15 PM - 8:00 PM

Training Center

Contact: Andrew Austin
(202) 962-3353

On June 11, 2009, the TPB will host its annual public forum on the region's six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The meeting is a kick-off for the official 30-day public comment period on the TIP, the Financially Constrained Long-Range Plan (CLRP) and the accompanying Air Quality Conformity Analysis..

As required by federal law, the TIP includes all the regionally significant projects that are anticipated to be funded over the next six years. Along with the CLRP, the TIP is one of the TPB’s fundamental planning documents.

The 2005 federal transportation reauthorization legislation (SAFETEA-LU) requires metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) like the TPB to conduct a public meeting during the TIP development process.

The TIP forum will feature a presentation on the federal requirements and the development of the TIP, the significant changes in the draft TIP and a draft financial analysis. Representatives from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) will be available to respond to questions about their projects in the TIP.

The 30-day public comment period will close on July 11 and the TPB is scheduled to approve the 2009 CLRP, FY 2010-2015 TIP and the accompanying Air Quality Conformity Analysis on July 15.

Meeting Agenda

For more information on past public forums on the CLRP and TIP, please click here.