WRTC Meeting & Work Sessions

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
10:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Room 1

Contact: wrtc@mwcog.org

Agenda items include:  

Business Meeting

·        WRTC Membership Enhancements

·        Updates and follow-ups on WRTC recommendations from our July Technical Work Session and the latest CBP schedule

·        A presentation on the “Climate Change” report and potential WRTC recommendations

 Stormwater Work Session

·        TMDL wasteload allocation developments

·        The “Watershed Model”  work session scheduled for October 9th, 2008

·        Stormwater permit developments

 Wastewater Work Session

·        Wastewater treatment plants greenhouse gas emission assumptions

·        2030 WWTP flow projections and the proposed hybrid approach