The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) Public Safety Chaplains Subcommittee will hold their Semi-Annual Public Safety Chaplains Training Day-I, 2008 on Monday, February 25, 2008 at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 777 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, 3rd Floor Board Room, beginning at 10:00 AM. Registration is required. The Topics are Public Safety Chaplains’ Spiritual Survival and Incident Command. Certificates of Completion will be provided for those who have registered and who complete the day’s training sessions. Being well prepared for an emergency situation is a key competency for all Public Safety Administrators. The role of the Public Safety Chaplains is no exception. The Public Safety Chaplains have figured prominently in the NCR over the last year and have provided spiritual support and guidance to various regional First Responders, Police and Fire during difficult times. As Public Safety Chaplains, they too, make their way to the forefronts of local and regional disasters.
This Training Day promises to be of interest and importance as the Public Safety Chaplains continue to train and prepare for their supporting roles in the delivery of Spiritual Care to First Responders and Public Safety Personnel in the National Capital Region. All Regional Public Safety Chaplains, along with their respective Police and Fire Chiefs are invited to participate in this training function. For the Police and Fire Chiefs and/or representatives, come, get to speak to and know your Regional Public Safety Chaplains first-hand. Get to know them and feel their passion. Come also, to provide your input as to what you think you may need from them during difficult times. The military have already begun to recognize the importance of this noble group. Their passion is tremendous with the intent of supporting the first-responders of police, fire and EMS. Come and meet the Public Safety Spiritual Care Providers and get to know them before a disaster happens. They too, make the national capital region a better place to live and work.
Please RSVP online as soon as possible. Space is limited.