Air Quality Town Meeting

Thursday, October 19, 2006
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

COG Board Room

Contact: Joan Rohlfs

On October 19th, the Air Quality Public Advisory Committee is hosting a meeting about air quality in the metropolitan Washington region.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ways to improve the region’s air quality.

At this town hall meeting, you can:

  • Learn about proposed programs to clean the air
  • Ask the experts your questions
  • Suggest ideas for making the air healthier for everyone.

Who should attend? 
Residents, commuters, athletes, parents of asthmatic children, people interested in cleaner air

Panelists include: American Lung Association of Virginia, experts in electrical energy, energy efficiency, transportation planning, and air quality planning.

View the brochures
Improving Air Quality in the Metropolitan Washington Region Brochure (PDF)
Improving Air Quality: Ozone - Metropolitan Washington Region Air Quality Plan Brochure (PDF)