Safe Routes to School Seminar

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

County Board Room, 3rd Floor, Arlington County Court House
2100 Clarendon Boulevard
Arlington, VA
Contact: Michael Farrell
202 962-3760

Join community leaders, school officials, health and transportation professionals, law enforcement officers, parents and neighbors. Communities around the country are using Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programs to make it more safe and appealing for children to walk and bicycle to school. Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Maryland are fully behind this program to provide assistance to make the programs a success.

SRTS Programs grow from community¡¦s concerns about safety, health and traffic. A combination of education, encouragement, engineering and enforcement strategies are used to address these concerns and make Safe Routes to School a reality.

This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to develop sound SRTS programs based on community needs and conditions, best practices and responsible use of resources. The day concludes with participants developing an action plan.

Overview of course agenda

  • Why safe routes to school matters: Safety, health and transportation issues
  • Walk audit of school campus and surrounding area
  • Engineering strategies
  • Pick-up and drop-off area strategies
  • Identifying problems and solutions
  • Encouragement and education strategies
  • Enforcement strategies
  • How communities are making it happen
  • An action plan for your community
  • Safe Routes to School Programs and Funding for D.C., Maryland, and Virginia

This course is offered free of charge, with lunch and snacks provided.

Use the registration link provided, or contact Michael Farrell 202-962-3760 or e-mail  by September 8, 2006, to register. Course size is limited, so please register early.