Satellite Technology for Managing Weeds

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Training Center
777 North Capitol St. NE, Suite 300
washington, DC 20002

Contact: Brian LeCouteur
202 962-3393

Satellite Technology for Managing Weeds:
High Tech Methods for Controlling Invasives and Other Weeds


Hosted by COG’s Community Forestry Network (CFN)

And sponsored by the

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

12:00 Noon – 4:00 P.M.

Training Center - 1st Floor Meeting Rooms at COG

Lunch will be provided for all attendees



This Urban Forest Forum will focus on new methods being used locally for assessing and managing invasives and other weeds.  Our parks, roadsides, forests and fields are becoming overrun with alien plants and are out-competing native vegetation at an alarming rate.  Weed management is an increasing problem that is straining local staff and budgets in our attempts to protect our native plant communities. 


Geoffrey Mason, a Senior Natural Resources Specialist with the Montgomery County Parks will discuss and explore his use of global positioning systems (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS) to manage natural resources in Montgomery County Parks.  He will also review their experience using the Nature Conservancy’s Weed Information Management System (WIMS)  which employs a handheld computer to track invasive plant problems and treatments on parkland.  He will also discuss the coordination of handheld GPS units with digital cameras to georeference photos and map their locations.


There will also be another presentation to be announced.  Please check COG’s website for the final agenda.


This meeting will be held at the offices of the Council of Governments, 777 North Capitol, St. Washington, D.C., on the first floor in the Training Center meeting room.


Directions to COG may be found at our website:



Lunch will be served to all attendees.  Please RSVP to Brian LeCouteur via e-mail: or via voice mail at 202 962-3393 by noon August 29th.


Hope to see you then.