Dyke Marsh: A film by Dave Eckert :Kennedy Center

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Contact: Brian LeCouteur

Once considered the most primeval spot near Washington, D.C., Dyke Marsh is the last major freshwater tidal marshland on the Potomac River adjacent to the city. Like most vanishing tidal marshlands from Maine to Louisiana, it is disappearing as the result of a myriad of human abuses. As a safety buffer against hurricanes and floods, an ancient hatchery for bay and ocean fish and a focal point for migrating birds, Dyke Marsh affects all of our lives. This film provides a glimpse into the rich diversity of flora and fauna supported by the marsh and contrasts its health today to its condition in the past. The return of the Bald Eagle and the Osprey to the marsh is contrasted with the loss of habitat for most other resident species. Incorporating some of the marsh's historical lore, On the Edge, enlivened by an original soundtrack with Didgeridoo and rainforest percussion instruments, is a primal call to revive the diversity of life that provides sustenance and safety to the species that is destroying the country's tidal marshes–human beings!

Directed by Dave Eckert and produced by Virginia Village Productions.