Special TPB Work Session

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

COG Board Room

Contact: Ron Kirby

The Transportation Planning Board will hold a special work session from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. prior to the TPB meeting on January 18 to review the results to date of the regional mobility and accessibility study.  The work session will be held in the COG Board room.  All Board members, alternates, and interested citizens are invited to attend.

With the assistance of a working group of state and local planning staff and citizen representatives, COG/TPB staff has developed and analyzed several alternative future land use and transportation scenarios for the Washington region.  Key findings of the study include the following:

  • Increasing housing growth in regional activity clusters would decrease driving and congestion and increase transit use, walking, and biking.
  • Encouraging more development on the eastern side of the region would benefit the entire region.

Some of the results have been presented at public outreach meetings around the region hosted by the TPB’s Citizen Advisory Committee, and one of the scenarios was used in the development of the final Round 7 Cooperative Forecasts adopted by the COG Board of Directors in October of 2005. 

Meeting Summaries