WCW Minnesota/Benning Road

Thursday, May 6, 2004
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Friendship Edison Public Charter School, Carter G. Woodson Campus
4095 Minn. Ave. NE
Washington, DC
Contact: Alphonso Coles
(202) 667-5445

The Walkable Communities Workshop is a course for elected officials, citizens and professionals in the fields of planning, engineering, law enforcement, public health and education.  It will provide participants with information on how to turn their communities into pedestrian-friendly places.  


The Walkable Community Workshop program concentrates on identifying real-world problems and hands-on solutions for each community. During a four-hour workshop, trainers deliver a presentation on the elements of a walkable community and solutions to common issues. They then lead participants on an interpretive walking tour (called a “walkabout” or “ped audit”) of a pre-determined study area. The trainers emphasize seeing the community from the perspective of a pedestrian.


Participants then gather in small breakout groups to identify specific measures to improve conditions for pedestrians. The workshop closes with presentations from the breakout groups and discussions to reach consensus on priority action items to create more walkable environments.