

Below are the most recent publications of the Environment section. Visit the documents search page to change filter parameters or to search by title.

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    Regional Air Quality Update

    December 18, 2019

    Short report of trends and data on ground-level ozone pollution prepared for the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee.

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    Potomac River Water Quality in Metropolitan Washington

    May 1, 2019

    This report provides a broad overview of water quality conditions in the Potomac River, particularly the portion that flows through metropolitan Washington...

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    What Our Region Grows

    January 18, 2019

    This report provides a ‘snapshot’ of the state of the region’s agriculture, as well as the general food production and demand, and economic...

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    Visualize 2045 Air Quality Conformity Analysis

    October 17, 2018

    This report documents the air quality conformity analysis of the financially constrained element of the Visualize 2045 long-range transportation plan...

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    What We Can Do to Improve Air Quality in the Metropolitan Washington Region

    July 25, 2018

    A menu of options to help achieve no unhealthy air days in the region compiled by COG staff for the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee and the Air...

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    Tree Canopy Management Strategy

    May 1, 2018

    The purpose of the Regional Tree Canopy Management Strategy is to provide COG members with a framework of policies and recommendations that can be used to...

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    Chain Bridge Data Analysis Report

    February 28, 2018

    Since 1982, the Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory (OWML) has, on behalf of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), operated a...

Results: 100 documents found.