

National Capital Region Climate Change Report

The report, which was approved by the COG Board of Directors in 2008, includes significant regional greenhouse gas reduction goals and was one of the nation’s first multi-state climate change initiatives.

Regional Climate and Energy Action Plan

The plan, prepared by COG's Climate, Energy, and Environment Policy Committee, recommends actions to reduce the carbon impact of the transportation, energy, and environment sectors in efforts to help the region achieve its greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. 

Blue Plains Intermunicipal Agreement of 2012

This landmark cooperative agreement among area jurisdictions and agencies equitably allocates wastewater treatment capacity as well as shared capital and operating expenses at the Blue Plains advanced wastewater treatment facility in the District of Columbia, the largest such facility in the world.

Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan: Potomac River System

The plan outlines actions that would be implemented during drought conditions for the purpose of coordinated regional response.

Air Quality Plans

Through the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee (MWAQC), COG coordinates with area officials to develop air quality plans by the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia for submittal to the EPA to meet federal standards related to ozone and fine particle pollution.