COG is the one place in metropolitan Washington that regularly brings leaders together to develop solutions to the region's major challenges. COG prepares plans enabling the region to receive federal funding, provides members with research and data to inform decision-making, and offers a wide range of programs, including commuter services, cooperative purchasing, technical assistance and grants, and public outreach campaigns.
Featured Pages: About COG | Member Jurisdictions | Cooperative Purchasing | Racial Equity | Metro and DMVMoves
Through the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB), area officials, planners, and engineers ensure a well-managed and maintained transportation system. The TPB, which is staffed by COG, conducts the federally mandated transportation planning process for the region and ensures the uninterrupted flow of federal transportation funds that area jurisdictions receive.
Featured Pages: Transportation Planning Board (TPB) | Street Smart Safety Campaign | Enhanced Mobility Grants | Visualize 2050 transportation plan
COG's work engages leaders in various environmental fields from water quality experts to climate scientists. Together, they are advancing regional efforts to restore local waterways, improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change, promote recycling, and enhance and preserve green space and agriculture.
Featured Pages: Air Quality Forecast | Regional Drought and Water Supply Status | Electric Vehicle Deployment Clearinghouse & EV Checklist | Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program | National Capital Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (NatCap PRISM)
Area officials and experts, including planning and housing directors and child welfare and health officials, work together with their counterparts at COG to help shape stronger communities throughout the region.
Featured Pages: Regional Fair Housing Plan | Cooperative Forecast | Economic Trends | Homelessness in Metropolitan Washington Report
COG brings police chiefs, fire chiefs, emergency managers, and other leaders together as part of its work to strengthen regional public safety coordination, homeland security planning, and emergency communication.
Featured Pages: Public Safety Program | Homeland Security and Policy | Scam and Fraud Prevention | Leadership Training Seminar
The twenty-sixth annual national America Recycles Day (ARD) is Wednesday, November 15, 2024. Local governments in metropolitan Washington traditionally hold several ARD events in October and November. Washington area residents can pledge below to recycle (or on the pledge page), which enters them into a drawing for local prizes.
The goal of America Recycles Day is to build consumer demand for recycled products and to educate all Americans about the environmental and economic benefits of recycling. COG wants to make consumers aware of the importance of "Buying Recycled."
Regional Prizes:
For America Recycles Day 2024, I pledge to:
Are you a school student in kindergarten - 12th grade (K-12)
Please enter me in the drawings to be held in December for regional prizes. One entry per person. No purchase necessary. Entrant of any age may win local prizes with exception of K-12 prize. Entries for prizes must be received by November 21. Complete set of rules.
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