
Renewable Energy

Shifting from using fossil fuels, like coal, oil and natural gas, to using renewable energy is critical for protecting communities from the effects of climate change. When fossil fuels are burned, they emit high levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere, warming and creating instability in the earth’s climate. Renewable energy, on the other hand, has zero or very low emissions. Distributed renewable energy systems – such as rooftop solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, small wind, and geothermal energy systems – are particularly beneficial because they save residents (and local governments) money, create good local jobs, and improve the region’s energy security. 

COG is working closely with local governments and public agencies in the region to install solar energy systems, and to reduce the price of solar in their communities. COG helps local governments develop renewable energy plans, policies, and initiatives, and helps them install renewable energy systems on municipal facilities, which contributes directly to the growth of this local industry.


News & Multimedia

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    Sustainable DC: A Major Advance in Moving the Region Forward

    April 1, 2013

    Laine Cidlowski AICP Urban Sustainability Planner and Tanya Stern Chief of Staff DC Office of Planning

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    The Region Forward Coalition: Looking Back and Moving Forward

    February 27, 2013

    2012 was busy for the Region Forward Coalition with several key projects being completed such as the first Region Forward Progress Report and an updated ...

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    Scaling Up Electric Vehicles in Metropolitan Washington

    February 1, 2013

    Metropolitan Washington regularly finds itself at or near the top of a lot of lists. Some of these distinctions are good such as being the most educated...

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