
Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Since its inception, COG’s Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee (CEEPC) has made it a priority to track progress toward local and regional greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals. The ability to develop relevant, robust sets of inventories supports decision-making around policies and programs that reduce emissions.

COG’s local and regional greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory work provides for completeness, consistency, accuracy, replicability, transparency, and quality control. COG’s Community-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summaries show GHG emissions decreased by 24 percent in the region between 2005 and 2020, surpassing the region's goal to reduce emissions 20 percent below 2005 levels by 2020. 

COG's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories Methodology Guide provides an overview of procedures used to develop the local and regional community-scale inventories. 

News & Multimedia

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