Climate Awards Application

The 2024 Climate and Energy Leadership Awards Program is now closed. Winners will be announced in the Fall.

The award categories include:

  • GOVERNMENT AGENCY (local, state, regional, quasi-govt, utilities or authorities)
    • Small Jurisdiction (population < 90k)
    • Large Jurisdiction (population > 90k)
  • NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (non-profit, citizen or community-based groups)
  • EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION (K-12, public, private or higher education)

One application will be accepted and reviewed per applicant. Each application will be judged on four criteria - Engagement, Results, Creativity, and Model. Engagement will be weighted more heavily than the other criteria, see judging rubric. It is recommended that prospective applicants fully review the Procedures and Guidelines prior to submitting an application. The Procedures and Guidelines explains eligibility, gives examples of program/projects, information on the judging process, and other awards program details.    

A project summary file is required to be submitted. The project summary file can be a maximum of three pages long, formatted to fit on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with margins not less than one inch on every side, and with a font size of 11 point or larger. The project summary file MUST include the following headers and descriptions:

  • Organization: Organization name and type (government agency, non-governmental organization, educational institution).
  • Project Name and Contact: Project name and lead contact name, email and phone number
  • Project Overview: Clearly describe the program/project
  • Engagement: Clear description of addressing equity concerns and engaging underserved communities, diverse populations, or general collaboration with the community. 
    • Demonstrate equity engagement: Provide testimonial/feedback/statements from impacted person(s)/communities/groups/populations who have or will benefit from implementation of the project.
  • Results: Estimate the impacts from the program/project in terms of intended results, achievements and measurable outcomes including cost-effectiveness. 
  • Creativity: Describe any innovative, resourceful, and/or unique aspects.
  • Model: describe the project's replicability to other communities/organizations.


Spell Check

The document must be a .xls or .txt or .doc or .pdf or .pps or .ppt or pptx or docx or xlsx or .zip file.  

(Application is incomplete and will not be judged if full application is not uploaded.)