
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Listing

COG develops a regional list of farmers offering Community Supported Agriculture shares (CSAs) to our region’s residents. Please review this short FAQ about this 2024 Metro DC CSA listing.

Metro DC Regional CSA List FAQ

How is a CSA defined?

With the definition from the CSA Innovation Network:

“CSA connects individuals and local farms in a mutually supportive relationship. In a CSA, people become members of a farm in exchange for recurrent shares of the seasonal harvest. This relationship transcends the usual commercial transaction by having farmers and members share the risks and benefits inherent to agriculture. CSA provides consumers with a deep connection to their food and the people who grow it.”

How did COG put this list together?

Using publicly available sources of information and reaching out to farmers and technical assistance providers in prior years. 

Where else can I find information about CSAs?

COG's list does not capture every farm selling directly to consumers, or every CSA. We recommend consulting these websites for more information on where you can find local food.

Is being listed an endorsement of the farm and its products?

No. COG is providing this as an information service in support of its broader effort to support farmers and agriculture in the region. A CSA is one great way to get to know a farmer, some of the challenges and joys of the farming profession, and the many contributions agriculture makes to the region.

I see a farm that is missing from your list.

If you see a farm missing that will be offering a CSA in 2024 and has space available, please send us the farm’s contact information so we can follow-up and update the list accordingly. Contact Lindsay Smith at lsmith@mwcog.org

What are some other ways to support CSAs beyond making an individual or household purchase?

Investment in local farms help keep them in business, supports access to fresh, local food, and increases our region’s resiliency. Other ways to support CSAs include talking to your employer to inquire if they can help incentivize healthy eating by providing financial support for CSA purchase. The CSA Innovation Network has a library of resources, including on employer-supported CSA Programs.