Region Forward Blog Global Fridays: China for a day? Not necessary. December 17, 2010 The New York Times had a piece recently on the threat that many within the United States feel as a result of China’s continued growth in the clean energy...
Region Forward Blog The Morning Measure: Smart(er) growth? December 15, 2010 Over at Switchboard the NRDC’s exceptional blog on the connections between transportation land-use and the environment Kaid Benfield recently pondered about the...
Region Forward Blog Walk the walk (and talk the talk) December 15, 2010 Region Forward includes some very ambitious air quality and climate targets such as exceeding federal standards for air quality and reducing greenhouse gas...
Region Forward Blog Global Fridays: Europe at the helm December 3, 2010 Much of the attention regarding Europe at the moment is undoubtedly focused on the crisis facing some euro-zone countries. However much more positive news is...
Region Forward Blog The Morning Measure: The Climate Conundrum November 18, 2010 The facts on the table are as such: most scientists believe that the earth’s climate is changing and that humanity’s actions are the cause of this change....