Region Forward Blog New Economy Old Power June 1, 2011 The “new economy” is a term that’s been bandied around for awhile. In general it’s meant to reflect the transition from a manufacturing-driven economy to a...
Region Forward Blog The key to livable and sustainable places: density. May 31, 2011 City rankings are wildly abundant and as we’ve written before many of them have questionable criteria at best. Although there’s no shortage of “most...
Region Forward Blog The (other) role of a tax: Incentivizing sustainability May 19, 2011 Taxes are designed to two things: 1) to raise revenues to fund the government and/or to 2) incentivize a desired change in behavior. Part one is obvious....
Region Forward Blog What makes a city livable? Where are the megacities in livability rankings? May 17, 2011 It’s been a busy day but we still wanted to get in a short post and share with you an article we read recently to get your reaction
Region Forward Blog Reminders from home and abroad of the importance of transportation funding May 12, 2011 Funding Transportation Matters. It’s a really simple notion that bears repeating. As American roadways become more and more clogged we desperately need to be...