Region Forward Blog Two problems One solutioS August 30, 2011 While catching up on some non-Hurricane Irene news yesterday we noticed an interesting set of articles presenting two problems – environmental and climate...
News Release Potomac River Algae Blooms Beginning to Dissipate August 15, 2011 COG is working with state and local governments, universities, and scientists from around the region to monitor and provide up-to-date information on the algae...
Region Forward Blog Now that the debt deal is done how can our region prepare for coming changes? August 2, 2011 Congress has approved and the President has signed a new budget agreement that will raise the nation’s debt ceiling and reduce government spending. Now that...
Region Forward Blog Investing in clean energy is a no-brainer (even for those climate change deniers) July 18, 2011 The latest unemployment figures were not at all positive – job creation was far below the level necessary to start getting a significant number of Americans...
Region Forward Blog Global Fridays: The long line survival kit edition July 15, 2011 We have a feeling that you may find yourself waiting in a very long line today or sometime this weekend (there’s some major movie thing going on) so today’s...